Education and Age

11th Oct 2016

It is such bullshit that there are reading ages on books. Learning and ability should not be determined by age. “You must read by age…” “You must use the potty by…” Etc. Etc.

Lili enjoys the wall street journal, and there is no way she is understanding, let alone actually reading it. But why should that prevent exposure?

Our world is so caught up on “they’re not ready” and this isn’t even considering the zone of proximal development. Uneven advancement also is not understood in the majority of America (I cannot speak for other countries). I understand, age is something hard and fast and a somewhat accurate means by which children can be grouped. However, if parents have control over the lack of stifling and sorting of their children, we need to take advantage of that.

Don’t let books and toys tell you your child is not ready. You be the judge, not society. They are your children.

Break the mold!

My 2 year old has about 100 books in every room all ranging from “recommended age” of 0-14 years old, and adult. She enjoys every single one, in different ways. I will not hold her back from anything unless it is dangerous, and even if it is, I will monitor her with it until it is no longer a danger.

Empower yourself and your children. Be a parent!


End. Of. Rant.

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