He Completes Me

10th Jul 2017

He Completes Me


Growing up, I was very headstrong, independent, and never of the mentality that I would ever need a man in my life to feel complete. Obviously, I was young and naïve, and it was not until I met my husband over eight years ago that I really came to understand that quote, “You complete me.”

I have two children and one on the way, none of whom would be possible without my husband. It is interesting, because it seems like every struggle we encounter truly brings us even closer. Each year that goes by, we fight less and less and we enjoy our time together even more. Not sure if that has to do with our children, monetary success, friends and family, or simply just time and maturity.

Nevertheless, he truly completes me.

He is gone for a week at an industry trade show in Las Vegas. No, it’s not as exciting as you think…just ask him! He has attended many of these trade shows, and is frequently gone for a couple of days at a time. Usually only twice a year is he gone for a week or more. It is always difficult, but it has never been as difficult as it is this time around, and we are only on day three of eight!

We were watching a show the other day with a group of folks at a dinner party. The host asked each guest which type of wine they would prefer, and they all proceeded to respond with their favorite varietal. It occurred to me then and there just how lost I am without my husband. If he and I were in that situation, as pathetic as this sounds, and I partially blame pregnancy brain, I would not be able to answer. I mean, champagne is always my top pick, but you know what I mean. He always picks out our wine, and I never really know what I like, because he does. Another example, our truck is dirty and I wanted to wash it this morning, but he is very particular about the types of water, soap, and sponges used on our paint. It occurred to me that I have no idea how he washes the truck, or even where to begin attempting. When he washes it (weekly) I just watch him and the girls play in his bucket of suds…he takes care of it.

I can proudly say, as a strong woman, I am utterly dependent upon my husband and eternally grateful to him. Not only because he picks out good wine, make our truck shine and our girls laugh, allows for me to work from home and be at home with the girls, but also because he feels the same way about me. I can live without the constant mess, keys not on the hook, toilet seat up, towels wadded up, and dirty laundry strewn about…but I cannot, nor do I want to, live without him.

Love you Babe! :-*







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