He Completes Me

10th Jul 2017

He Completes Me   Growing up, I was very headstrong, independent, and never of the mentality that I would ever need a man in my life to feel complete. Obviously, I was young and naïve, and it was not until I met my husband over eight years ago that I really came to understand that quote, “You complete me.” I have two children and one on the way, none of whom would be possible without my husband. It is interesting, because it seems like every struggle we encounter truly brings us even closer. Each year that goes by, we fight less and less and we enjoy our time together even more. Not sure if that has to do with our children, monetary success, friends and family, or simply just time and maturity. Nevertheless, he truly completes me. He is gone for a week at an industry trade show in Las […]

What about Dad?

15th Sep 2014

I am married to a man, so for the ease of writing I will be referring to men and husbands, but this is not to say I do not support same-sex couples, unmarried couples, single mothers, single fathers, etc.   Why is it that men are so left out once a child comes along? Sure, the Dad doesn’t breastfeed and usually puts the diaper on backwards a few times before he experiences the wrath of a blowout, but why does he always seem to be placed on the backburner? Mothers take on a lot when they conceive a child; aside from bearing the child for over 9 months and dealing with the endless joys of pregnancy, once the child comes out a family is now her responsibility, in a sense. Yes, of course men and women are “equal” and should share responsibility, but lets just assume the man is not […]

Just tell me I am beautiful?

8th Aug 2014

    We have all been there; we are getting ready for a night out for at least twice as long as we normally take to get ready. We shave (everywhere!), use our special shampoo and conditioner, our favorite body wash lathered heavily on our loofa, and we do a little more with our eye makeup and put on our favorite perfume. We make sure we look excellent in different lighting, and quaff our hair just so. We descend down the staircase in a nonchalant manner and then we wait…we may go the entire evening up until the moment we scrub off all that face paint waiting. We feel beautiful, radiant, and unstoppable…yet with every minute that ticks by we get a little bit of self doubt and our general insecurities begin to surface. IF we get to the end of night without being told we are beautiful, our night […]