What Do You Do?

1st Jan 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR!   So, you want to know what I do? What my job entails? I am not going to rant, per se, but perhaps give a little insight to those who constantly ask me what I do. Mind you, they usually know full well I have children, and they just automatically assume I have a full-time out of the house job. I understand that comes from the new (often unfortunate) norm of our culture with both parents working, often out of financial need. I always wonder when that question started to become an ice-breaker…was it when women started to get offended because men assumed they all stayed at home and raised children? **Disclaimer: I do not judge anyone who stays at home, works full-time, chooses daycare, lets wolves raise their children, etc. This is simply what I do in my life. There are a million ways to be an […]

Who yells at a baby?!

6th Nov 2014

It has been 7 weeks since my daughter entered this world and she has charmed well over 100 visitors. Yes, judge me if you will for not waiting the societal norm of a couple months to show off her chubby cheeks. It is not my fault that I cannot keep people away from her or that my husband has a penchant for throwing parties and going out with friends. And of course, we bring Lili along for these events, because she is a part of our lives, but that is a post for a different day! Let me preface this post by stating that I am rather traditional in terms of gender roles and responsibilities in the home. My husband is the primary breadwinner in our family and I the primary care provider to our daughter and two wonderful puppies. This by no means implies that I frown upon breadwinning […]

What about Dad?

15th Sep 2014

I am married to a man, so for the ease of writing I will be referring to men and husbands, but this is not to say I do not support same-sex couples, unmarried couples, single mothers, single fathers, etc.   Why is it that men are so left out once a child comes along? Sure, the Dad doesn’t breastfeed and usually puts the diaper on backwards a few times before he experiences the wrath of a blowout, but why does he always seem to be placed on the backburner? Mothers take on a lot when they conceive a child; aside from bearing the child for over 9 months and dealing with the endless joys of pregnancy, once the child comes out a family is now her responsibility, in a sense. Yes, of course men and women are “equal” and should share responsibility, but lets just assume the man is not […]