He Completes Me

10th Jul 2017

He Completes Me   Growing up, I was very headstrong, independent, and never of the mentality that I would ever need a man in my life to feel complete. Obviously, I was young and naïve, and it was not until I met my husband over eight years ago that I really came to understand that quote, “You complete me.” I have two children and one on the way, none of whom would be possible without my husband. It is interesting, because it seems like every struggle we encounter truly brings us even closer. Each year that goes by, we fight less and less and we enjoy our time together even more. Not sure if that has to do with our children, monetary success, friends and family, or simply just time and maturity. Nevertheless, he truly completes me. He is gone for a week at an industry trade show in Las […]

What Do You Do?

1st Jan 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR!   So, you want to know what I do? What my job entails? I am not going to rant, per se, but perhaps give a little insight to those who constantly ask me what I do. Mind you, they usually know full well I have children, and they just automatically assume I have a full-time out of the house job. I understand that comes from the new (often unfortunate) norm of our culture with both parents working, often out of financial need. I always wonder when that question started to become an ice-breaker…was it when women started to get offended because men assumed they all stayed at home and raised children? **Disclaimer: I do not judge anyone who stays at home, works full-time, chooses daycare, lets wolves raise their children, etc. This is simply what I do in my life. There are a million ways to be an […]

Two Kids: An Update

14th Mar 2016

An 18 month old, a 6 week old, a husband, and two dogs under one roof… Sounds like the beginning of a joke! Well, it is my new reality, and one with which I am quite pleased. Sure there are some tantrums, many stinky diapers, vomiting fits, face reddening screams, and days that just don’t seem to go right no matter what I do. However, the majority of the time there are smiles, laughs, giggles, games, coos, new words, wonder, love, gratefulness, and so much more! SLEEPING: As of last week, we have a great routine down pat with Amelia (6 weeks) and Lili (18 months). Lili goes down like clockwork around 6pm (with the recent time change it bumped up from 5pm) and then Amelia cluster feeds, to go down in the pack n’ play in our room at 7pm. Lili sleeps until 730/800am and has been sleeping 12-14 […]

My Two Weeks

27th Apr 2015

(Part of) The email I wrote to my Boss/Mentor/Role Model:       I have had a lot of time to think about my priorities and life in general and have come to a decision regarding my level of involvement with the company at this time in my life. It is with a truly heavy heart that I type this… You may not know the positive impact you have had on me, but it has been substantial, and I hope to continue our relationship for many years to come. However, in terms of me moving forward with you, it will be put on hold at the very least.     I want to take the time to explain, because I care about you and what you think of me. I want to do everything, all at once, exceptionally. However, once I am in the thick of it, certain areas of […]

What about Dad?

15th Sep 2014

I am married to a man, so for the ease of writing I will be referring to men and husbands, but this is not to say I do not support same-sex couples, unmarried couples, single mothers, single fathers, etc.   Why is it that men are so left out once a child comes along? Sure, the Dad doesn’t breastfeed and usually puts the diaper on backwards a few times before he experiences the wrath of a blowout, but why does he always seem to be placed on the backburner? Mothers take on a lot when they conceive a child; aside from bearing the child for over 9 months and dealing with the endless joys of pregnancy, once the child comes out a family is now her responsibility, in a sense. Yes, of course men and women are “equal” and should share responsibility, but lets just assume the man is not […]