You’re So Lucky

20th Jul 2016



“You’re so lucky” is something I hear more often that I would like since having children.

Perhaps I am too caught up in the literal meaning, but it bothers me deeply when I hear that phrase in reference to my children or my parenting style. It really is not luck, and I feel like my abilities as a parent are being shrouded.

Think of it this way…you get that promotion you have been busting your ass for at work, and your co-worker says “You’re so lucky to get that promotion.” You would likely say, “…no, I worked my ass off, it is not luck.” But, then again, most people wouldn’t say you are lucky for being promoted, they would simply congratulate you and tell you how hard you’ve worked and how much you deserve it. What is the difference between that and parenting?

I take a great deal of pride in the fact that my children sleep through the night (and have since 2 months old), have consistent nap schedules, and are rather well disciplined and mild mannered. I do not need a medal, but if people I care about need to comment on that, it would be nice if it was about skill instead of luck.

Parenting is a job I take extremely seriously and I think people should who choose to make comments need to shift their outlook as such. Yes, I am blessed, beyond words, but not lucky.

Rant over…for now 🙂



4 comments on “You’re So Lucky

  1. Lindsay on said:

    I agree 100% Luci! Congratulations on a job extremely well done!

  2. K Brooks on said:

    Wow, this post is so wrong. You can’t plan and prepare you child to have good health. You cannot force or “parent” your child to be a good sleeper. You cannot change your child’s predisposition to mental health issues. So please just say thank you when someone tells you that you are lucky and quit being such a smug bitch.

    • Luciana on said:


      I won’t delete this comment even though I’m very tempted.

      Are you saying that if someone has a child with a mental or physical disability they are un-lucky? That they are not blessed, but damned?

      It is OK to take credit for your children’s behavior positive or negative.

      In regards to your sleep comment, you are awfully misguided.

      Perhaps you will read my other post about being judgemental. 🙂

    • K Brooks,

      If you have not had success, your not doing it right. People prove what you just said wrong day in and day out, there is an industry built on it and parents pay lots of money to accomplish it.

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