The Luxury of Staying Home

27th Aug 2015

Since when did staying at home with our children become a luxury? In this day in age, we hear many acronyms for dual earners, most notably, D-I-N-K (double income no kids). These are the hip couples who made the choice to either abstain from having children or to wait until they are more set in their careers or have “lived” life enough as a couple. Alec certainly wanted to live the DINK lifestyle far longer than I ever imagined, but we made a decent compromise and ended it after about 3 years of marriage (together for 7 years). Oh, and here is a fun fact: children do not ruin your lives! Children can travel. Your life does not have to stop being adventurous and spontaneous once you decide to “settle down.” Yes, they make things a bit more expensive, but just learn to budget better J I started being a […]