Yoga pants are the new mom jeans

10th Oct 2014

All judgment aside…why are so many women using motherhood as an excuse to not care for themselves or about themselves? I have been flooded with various widely published Internet articles and blog posts about wearing pajamas to the bus stop, why moms should not be expected to brush their hair in the morning, and how you can pretty much expect to be entertaining your friends toddler if you come over for mid-day tea (or wine). Also, why are these same women writing articles so critical of the mothers who do take care of themselves and pay attention to their appearance? Yes, as a society, especially an American one, we have seemed to let our morals, values, and physical appearance wane a bit. We have all seen the funny pictures of slovenly dressed Wal-Mart patrons and the “just like us” pictures of celebrities sans makeup and sloughing around town in yoga […]