What would you say, you do here?

15th May 2015

     When I meet someone for the first time, among the barrage of questions I always encounter: “What do you do?” My husband tells me they are just asking this out of habit and general courtesy, but I don’t understand that concept…when I ask a question I want to know the full and honest answer, not some stock reply to appease social norms. I do have enough couth to not say what I am truly thinking in my cynical head, so I usually just say, “I am working part-time as a consultant.” That ends the inquiry, most of the time, because it sounds rather boring. However, my reply has changed over the past several months, as I recently decided to stay home full time with Lili (one of the best decisions of my life, by the way). I have yet to be asked that question since my newfound “job” […]