Why is Her Bed on the Floor?

15th Sep 2015

Do I think my daughter is an animal? Nope. Why is her bed on the floor? Short version: Maria Montessori was right. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I was homeschooled for a good bit of my childhood, and loved it. Before homeschooling “age”, my parents implemented Montessori methods such as big beds on the floor and more freedom and independent thinking at and earlier age. This mode of learning bode quite well for me and my siblings in terms of greater independence and love of learning later in life. My personal experience, combined with extensive research on numerous educational techniques formed my decision to implement Montessori methods. Since Lili is only 11 months old, (12 months by the time I post this!) there is not a lot of structure to her learning environment. From the time she was able to roll around, I let her explore the entire […]