Oh Pregnancy…

23rd Jun 2015

Oh, second pregnancy, why have you enfeebled me? Sure, I have a 9 month old to take care of, but I can tell a dramatic difference between this first trimester and the one I experienced only 18 months ago. This is daily struggle. If there was a name for the place between tired+exhausted and paralyzed+dead…I would be its primary user. Here is my new lackluster daily routine: If I am lucky, Alec will get up around 6 and play with Lili until 7 or so. Whether 6 or 7, I am still exhausted, and slept like crap, and the dime sized bladder syndrome hasn’t even started yet! I am half asleep watching Lili play until 830/9, at which point I plop her down in her crib for what I hope is the world’s longest nap. I promptly cuddle up and take a nap, only to wake up to the dogs […]