A Day (and night) in the Life of a 2 Month Old

13th Nov 2014

I have been very torn about writing too prematurely thinking I may jinx Lili’s schedule, but she has been solid for a couple weeks now. I want to preface this by stating I did not really do any formal sleep training, as it was simply not needed. I did not do cry it out (she is too young anyway) or any other special techniques. Not to say Lili came out as an amazing sleeper, but I just gently instilled very good habits very early on and it is paying off. Please note, she will sleep about 2-3 hours for her main nap but does wake in between sleep cycles (about 45 mins into the nap) and fuss a low dull whine for about 2-3 minutes and then zonk back out without intervention. This is a normal waking pattern for infants…adults wake between cycles as well but often do not ever remember doing so. The following is her current routine/schedule (Lili led) and has been since 6 weeks (she is 2 months tomorrow):


Around 615am: wake up very happy and squeaky, diaper change into cloth, feed for about 10-12 mins each side with some easy burps in between

700am: go on a sleepy 4 mile walk in the ergo performance with Mommy and Daddy

800am: get home, wake up eventually, and play around in bouncer or activity mat while Mommy and Daddy eat breakfast and watch the news

830am: diaper change, feed both sides, burp, talk to Mommy, walk around the house, help with laundry and other chores

915am: get swaddled, white noise on, placed in stationary bouncer or crib and fall asleep with a max of 1 minute whining/cooing

1115am: wake up super happy and chatty, diaper change, feed both sides, talk to Mommy, activity mat and tummy time

1230pm: get swaddled, white noise on, placed in stationary bouncer or crib and fall asleep with a max of 1 minute whining/cooing

330pm: wake up very happy and stretchy, eat one side, diaper change, talk to Mommy, eat other side, help feed dogs and do dishes

500pm: get swaddled, white noise on, placed in stationary bouncer or crib and fall asleep with a max of 1 minute whining/cooing

615pm: wake up happy with bubbly mouth, walk around, diaper change, feed, activity mat and tummy time, bouncer with toy bar, say Hi to Daddy, play while Mommy and Daddy eat, pajamas, disposable diaper for night time, final good feed either with breast or bottle depending on Mommy’s wine intake

830pm: get swaddled, goodnight kisses, white noise on, placed in pack and play and fall asleep quietly

330am-400am: wake up with a few grunts, eat while still swaddled and without diaper change.

415am: asleep with a few little cries

600am-630am: Start all over!


As you can see, I have a little tiny rock star when it comes to sleeping, eating, and temperament…and well everything. Some say it is her, some say it is me, and some say it is both. I have helped her with good habits, Alec has not interfered, family has helped keep up said routine, and Lili has just been great.

sleeping couple

I hope this helps to reinforce what is possible for a 2 month old (or a 6 week old for that matter!), and that people who say you will never sleep again once you have a child can bite their tongues a bit. It is not a requirement to be a miserable, sleep-deprived parent of 1, 2, 3, or even 10. Just because you had a bad experience or your friends had bad experiences does not make it the norm. Not all sleep consultants tell you to leave your 8 week old in a cold crib for 2 hours while they cry themselves to sleep. Healthy sleep habits begin in utero and will continue through adulthood. You as parent can help facilitate these healthy sleep habits early on or you can try and break them when your child is older and your patience has grown too thin to even think. Then you can call or email me, and I will help break those bad sleep habits and have everyone in the house sleeping through the night 🙂





3 comments on “A Day (and night) in the Life of a 2 Month Old

  1. Lindsay Hamik on said:

    This is amazing! I am sure there are many, many parents who would absolutely fall at your feet in awe if you could make this possible for them! You asked the question, and I’m sure many wonder what is the answer – how much is the child’s temperament, vs the parent’s intervention and attitude? Thanks for sharing

  2. Quite remarkable really!

  3. I have this EXACT same problem with my 6 year old who is 45lbs. I’ve been using Bummis trainers with inserts stuffed in. They work well and are affordable. I’ve been told that XL Fuzzi Bunz work well too, but I like the trainers because my son can pull them on/off himself which he (and I!!!) appreciate.

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