A Day in the Life of a 13 Month Old

3rd Nov 2015

Lili has changed so much in the past month, let alone the past 13, it is almost inconceivable. I really do not think little ones are given enough credit for all their amazing accomplishments so early in life. If adults were even one iota as determined and adept as infants/toddlers, this world would be a far different place…


As mentioned in my previous post, my little bug just recently shifted from a two nap a day schedule to just one, so I figured it was appropriate to account for this change in her new daily routine. Of course, we do not do the same thing every day, but this is a rough outline of what our days look like at 13 months. Also, I am currently almost 7 months pregnant, so I am taking more of a hands-off approach mostly due to exhaustion.



7:30am: wake up very happy in her floor bed, usually grabs a few books to read while she waits for Mommy or Daddy

7:45am: diaper change, sit on the potty, new outfit, brush hair, brush teeth, (on her own) say good morning to the dogs

8:00am: sit on counter to watch and help with breakfast (usually 2 eggs, a few cut up grapes, some toast, water)

8:30am-11:00am: let dogs in, “watch” the news with Daddy, run around the house, read books, pick out shoes to wear, go outside and run around, explore the house and backyard, throw bones for dogs, eat lunch (whatever food is leftover, and usually cheese) watch Mommy clean and cook

11:00am: wash up, milk, diaper change, potty, brush teeth, read lots of books, white noise, dim room, asleep with kissy bear

1:30pm: wake, read a few books, diaper change, potty

2:00pm-5:00pm: snack and dinner (again, usually leftovers) milk, play outside, go to the park, or go on errands with Mommy

5:00pm: final milk drinking session, bath, brush teeth (on her own), PJs, read, white noise, dark room, asleep with kissy bear and willy dog


14 hours of overnight sleep

1-1.5 hours of daytime sleep



**I would like to make note that we just experienced the fall time change, and the 1 hour fall back did not impact her at all. Which is nice, because I can sleep “later” and put her down “earlier” which is nice for my body clock!

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