What about Dad?

15th Sep 2014

I am married to a man, so for the ease of writing I will be referring to men and husbands, but this is not to say I do not support same-sex couples, unmarried couples, single mothers, single fathers, etc.   Why is it that men are so left out once a child comes along? Sure, the Dad doesn’t breastfeed and usually puts the diaper on backwards a few times before he experiences the wrath of a blowout, but why does he always seem to be placed on the backburner? Mothers take on a lot when they conceive a child; aside from bearing the child for over 9 months and dealing with the endless joys of pregnancy, once the child comes out a family is now her responsibility, in a sense. Yes, of course men and women are “equal” and should share responsibility, but lets just assume the man is not […]